Professor Stephen Teo is a Professor at the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK. Prior to this appointment, he was the Associate Dean Research (2020-21), and Associate Dean of the Management Discipline (2016-20). While employed at the Auckland University of Technology Business School, Professor Teo was recognised under the New Zealand Governments Research Performance ranking (2012 PBRF scheme) as one of the leading scholars in New Zealand, as shown by the outcome of the 2012 New Zealand Performance-based Research Funding evaluation (ranked in the top 6% of New Zealand business researchers (Ranked A – world class). He received a citation for his teaching excellence from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council in 2007. Prof Teo was the winner of the AUT Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Award in 2013.
Prof Teo is a member of the following professional associations: Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), Chartered Fellow, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, USA Academy of Management, and the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM). Prof Teo is appointed as a Research Mentor of the ANZAM (2015-17). He was also a Conjoint Professor of Management with the Newcastle University (2014-19) and Visiting Professor with the School of Business, University of New South Wales, Canberra (since 2014).

He has published in leading refereed journals such as Human Resource Management (USA), Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and others such as the Journal of Advanced Nursing. His most recent projects examined the impact of organisational change on the well-being and performance of public sector employees in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the USA and Italy. He is currently undertaking research into workplace ill-treatment and psychological capital. In addition to research, Professor Teo is passionate about learning and teaching, in particular the use of group assessment in the diverse, multicultural classroom.